Your 8 glasses of water a day...
I've discovered another benefit to drinking your 8 glasses of water a day. We know your skin tone is improved, you help your body expel toxins easier, blah, blah, blah, etc., etc., etc. My discovery? It can help reduce your workload!!!
How so? Simple... you have to drink it. Its kind of hard to drink water and do something else at the same time. Multitasking while drinking water is improbable (unless you carry a beer helmet to work, or sip through a straw - but these are mere details). This means that if you increase your water intake you are reducing your work time and its time that cannot be legally claimed back from your employer because you need it to survive! HA! GENIUS! And the bonus... you get to pee MORE!!!
Imagine this!!! Who can claim you are a slacker if you are in the toilet? Women have an added advantage, you must use the toilet. Dang! We should have seen this before!
So in conclusion if you drink your 8 glasses of water a day, you get added benefits that reduce your workload. Unbelievable. Now, your homework - research the effects of adding coffee to this equation (Hint: coffee is a diuretic)
How so? Simple... you have to drink it. Its kind of hard to drink water and do something else at the same time. Multitasking while drinking water is improbable (unless you carry a beer helmet to work, or sip through a straw - but these are mere details). This means that if you increase your water intake you are reducing your work time and its time that cannot be legally claimed back from your employer because you need it to survive! HA! GENIUS! And the bonus... you get to pee MORE!!!
Imagine this!!! Who can claim you are a slacker if you are in the toilet? Women have an added advantage, you must use the toilet. Dang! We should have seen this before!
So in conclusion if you drink your 8 glasses of water a day, you get added benefits that reduce your workload. Unbelievable. Now, your homework - research the effects of adding coffee to this equation (Hint: coffee is a diuretic)
yeah dude
eso es para you Dilbertites!!!
¿Tu te imaginas a mi?
"And THAT is why we now have orthodox and catholic ... catho... cath... ummm be right back"
Kick ass first post dude!
Bieeeeeeeeeeeeeen bieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!
balbaro! jajajaja... this was gonna be a long comment but i need to go to the...AHH!! BYE!
pero hahahaha so vicz ur saying ke beber 8 vasos de agua al dia te puede ahorrar como 10 segundos del dia por cada vaso
Dear jose.. you are an idiot. and i say this with all my care and devotion, for you are a good friend...
te lo dejo de tarea...
o aparece alguien que le diga...
you're such a schmuck
o dear god please forgive my life!!!
y porque no lo pense antes????
yo siempre me pongo dike a rezar el rosario, porque no me pueden decir que no lo haga, eso es una ofensa a Dios! jajajajaja! pero lo del agua ta mejor!!
lolaso... na a bebe agua se ha dicho.
And so it is proven. Thanks for your testimony, dear friend!
el workload se queda igual.. uno lo que hace es k baraja un chin mientras bebe agua.. ajaj peor you still gotta go all the same shit. I use that in the gym too... peor el master es bernie.. 50% of his time in the gym es bebeiendo agua.
First of all, the manipulation of Fire is a more important discovery/invention than the beer helmet (tambien la idea de un bar en forma de peaje).
Lo de los 8 vasos de agua no está probado científicamente que hace bien, depende de las necesidades biofisiológicas of each person.
It is also important to recall that after you drink the water, you'll probably need to go to the bathroom (eventually) so thats an extra time you won't be working. Also, para el del comment de que el work load does not get smaller, try working for the goverment (unless that you are the pendejo that has to do everything that the other marico... don't know how to). Para la jevita que reza el rosario, thank God you didn't had the chance to work with me, I would have told you good and would have bugged you for the rest of your life, or my life, what ever comes first. And last but not least, a la jeva que drank 4.5 liters of water, just one comment: GET A LIFE, for Gods sake thats not normal and that is not healty, because your bladder will expand more that what it should, and when you get back to your normal life, then you will only go to the bathroom only once a day or every 2 days, not getting your toxines out of your body.
OK... i have been replaced... rick is now the All-knowing... i will close my blog forever... boo hoo!!!! :-(
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